Volunteers in the Home Library Service would like to increase use of the system within our community.
So, if you know of anyone—relative, friend or neighbour—who needs help to access books, paper or audio, please get in touch either via one of the contact options given below, or by speaking to someone on your next visit to the library
The service is not just for the house-bound, but for people of any age, who, for whatever reason, eg lack of transport, find it difficult to get books home from the library.
Our book deliverers, as you might expect, are a friendly sympathetic bunch and their visits are welcomed by our ‘customers’.
We look forward to hearing from as many of you as possible, so that we can make our service more widespread and efficient.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Kath Cochrane
Margaret Gray
Contact Options
Either complete the Contact Form below or phone Settle Community Library on 01609 534535