Welcome to Settle Community Library
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Trustees Needed!
Settle Community Library is a charitable body managed locally by a team of trustees, each of whom serve for a maximum of six years. Several trustees are coming to the end of their terms of office so the remaining trustees are now looking for new members to join them. The role of the trustees is to determine policy for managing the library within rules set by North Yorkshire Council and the Charity Commission. Trustees are expected to attend all meetings: the trustee role, though voluntary and unpaid, is by no means a casual one. To find out more, you can download this document and find a description of the role of Trustees generally on the Charity Commission website.
Short Story Competition Winners Announced

Thank you to all who entered and congratulations to Mike Edbury, our winner and Tanya Carter, our runner-up. The stories are being edited and the pamphlet will be available soon from the library.
Covid-19 – Special Measures
Masks not mandatory but …
We want everyone to feel safe and comfortable, so would ask that you treat others using the building with consideration as we know that many visitors wish to remain cautious.
We have resumed all our services and our groups are once more meeting: see the What’s On page for more information.
Public computers are available. A Library Returns box remains in the Co Op at present. Any books to be returned can be left there and will be processed as soon as possible. Please keep checking as this information can be subject to change.
Please note our new longer opening times.
NB Please note that if you wish to order ebooks, the url is changing to https://prism.librarymanagementcloud.co.uk/northyorkshire/
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